Folks Need to Calm Down about the Hack of SolarWinds et al

By Ravi Nayyar

Folks saying the APT crew behind the breach of SolarWinds et al did a NotPetya and/or an armed attack in the UN Charter sense need to do the following:

a) Calm down.

b) Go to a) again.

c) Read up on the difference between indiscriminate, infrastructure-bricking ransomware attacks versus highly-targeted malware-based SIGINTing.

d) Ponder which act of war in the international law sense would involve the overwhelming majority of folks on the receiving end getting a kill-switch effectively nullifying the effects of that act on them.

This campaign is just brilliant SIGINTing by whoever was behind it. Not the start of a civilisation-ending cyber-war.




A Techno-Legal Update

Vignettes from the intersection of law and technology, and a word or two about sport. Composed by Ravi Nayyar.